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Updated EXP 5.0 TrueType Fonts

(This update is no longer available. Please use EXP 6.3.0 instead.)

Released October 5, 1999

The eight TrueType font files included with EXP 5.0 are marked as "non-embedding". Adobe Acrobat will not embed a TrueType font if it is not marked to allow embedding. Thus, the original EXP 5.0 TrueType font files do not work as desired with Acrobat. The updated EXP TrueType font files available here fix this problem. Follow the steps below.

  1. Click the link above to download the EXPFONTS.ZIP file to your hard disk.
  2. Make sure EXP is not running.
  3. Start the Windows Control Panel.
  4. Go to the Fonts section.
  5. Select the eight EXP fonts beginning with BC.
  6. From the Font folder's menu, choose File and then Delete.
  7. Use your favorite ZIP file utility program to expand the EXPFONTS.ZIP file to your "<EXP50>\Fonts" directory, where <EXP50> is the location where you installed EXP. You should overwrite the existing font files.
  8. Return to Control Panel's Fonts section.
  9. From the Font folder's menu, choose File and then Install New Font.
  10. In the Add Fonts dialog box, browse to your "<EXP50>\Fonts" directory.
  11. Choose the Select All button.
  12. Turn off the "Copy fonts to Fonts folder" option.
  13. Choose the OK button.